Give you a nature break in your daily life and get carried away with pure air and wide spaces : live during 8 days of total immersion the experience of the energy pionneers on the greatest roads of the world. Travel all over 200 miles in the Alps, around the Massif des Ecrins, one of the world’s most sunny mountain spot. In total freedom, adopt a new leisure mode, sustainable and respectful for the environment, thanks to the photovoltaic assistance. Master the most advanced technologies to contribute to put them at the environment and human being service.
At the heart of the concept you will find the Solar Bike, a futurist evolution of the Electrical Bike. From its ancestor, he inherited a powerful electric motor in the chain transmission, which allow effortless progression in the mountain, providing you up to 3 times more power ! He also benefit revolutionnary evolutions, such as its 200W solar-tow which double the autonomy… giving you up to 60 miles a day even in mountain fields, with a lot of up and downs. Everyone then is involved in its own energy production… up to 1000Wh of solar energy each and every day. You then master your impact on the environment and become able to carry your things all along the 200 miles without emmitting a single gram of CO2 !
Almost born on a bike, Vincent spent so much time on a saddle that is legs got wasted and is butt expand massively. Since then, he wears cycling shorts.
Friends of Panda’s and mechanic, he spent so much time in at high altitude that he always had to open his big mouth to compensate.
Born in the Nancy’s maternity ward, Thomas would do anything to be finally under the spotlights, even invent a solar system to plug to a bike.
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