The Tour de France pass

April 28, 2016 11:59 am Published by

Who wants to win the king of the mountains Polkadot jersey ?

Of course, being king of the mountains during the “Tour de France” is a three week challenge. But, thanks to Aventures Solaires high level program, one week is enough to take the third step of the podium if you’re the first at the top every day.

Indeed, with 3  legendary  cols (Izoard, Galibier and Alpe d’huez, all of them being ranked at the highest level), 2 first category passes (Moissière and Lautaret) and some easier passes, you could earn more than 100 points in one week.

This would have been enough to take the third step in 2015 behind the unbeatable Christopher Froome or the Colombian specialist Nairo Quintana. Other times, other customs (and other scale),it would leave you far behind Richard Virenque (record holder of the mountain contest with 7 polkadot jerseys) and his 579 points !

So come and challenge the best cycling champions on the legendary roads (Galibier has been climbed 32 times on 102, Alpez d’Huez 30 times) and may the best (wo)man win !

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